My Grandma let me look through a clothing catalogue to choose some things that I like for Christmas - she's then choosing one out of them and I'm getting that one! I'm so lucky and excited because no matter which she chooses; they're gorgeous! The other great thing about this present is that with the first order, a free gift is included!
The other day, my Grandma gave me the free gift. It turned out to be three Elizabeth Arden lip products! I was so excited because I've never owned anything remotely high-end (I live out of Boots and Superdrug for make up..) so it's exciting to be able to try out products that are that bit more expensive and compare them to my usual £7 options!
I was given a lipstick and two lip glosses but as I don't wear lip gloss much and every experience I've had with them have turned into a sticky nightmare, I wasn't 100% sure what to think.
I love them.
The packaging is nothing like I've had with any make up before and makes them look so sleek! It also makes it easier to find them when I want to wear any of them so yay!
The lipstick is
Colour Intrigue Sheer Lipstick in Pink Blush Sheer and it's the most gorgeous shade of dark pink which is perfect for Autumn. Anyone else realising that as soon as I started talking about needing Autumn lip colours, they've been turning up out of the blue?!
I wore this a couple of days ago and it was a dream. It's creamy and felt so soft and smooth on my lips. When it wore away, it didn't leave a horrible line around the edge either so it was easier to just reapply when needed. Saying that, it lasted for a good three hours which is pretty darn good compared to my other lipsticks I have! Maybe not worth the £19.50 price tag but they're still pretty good!
In love with this colour. |
Such a gorgeous pink! |
The lip glosses were a new thing for me and I had no idea what to expect apart from that dreadful stickiness that often come with lip glosses but I was pleasantly surprised! They were relatively easy to apply and had a gorgeous shimmer which I really loved. There was no stickiness which made me extremely happy and they lasted for 2 hours or so which I thought was pretty good.
The only downside is that the applicator is quite small which makes applying the lip gloss quite difficult sometimes. However, once you get the hang of it, it gets easier so no major bad points to report here!
Lip glosses! |
The two colours that the company sent were
Golden Pearl and
Maple. Being glosses instead of lipsticks, the colours are more subtle and therefore more wearable. Golden Pearl is a light, peachy-pink colour. The flecks of gold shimmer give it a pearl effect (probably hence the name...) which I really love, it makes my lips shine more.
Golden Pearl. |
Maple has the same shimmer effect but instead of giving off a pearly feel, it just makes my lips shine. It is a bronze-red colour that, again, seems to fit right into the season of changing leaves. This is my favourite colour of the three products and even though I'm quite pale, the colour seems to work and I love it! I wore it yesterday and I wasn't disappointed. Again, it lasted about 2 hours so not brilliant lasting time but not atrocious either.
Maple. |
Overall I'm really impressed with these products and I wish they were cheaper so I could buy some more! I'm really glad they came as a free gift and I'm excited for the Christmas present too!
Jess xx