Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Parties and cookie dough.

It's half term this week which in A level terms equals crazy amounts of homework and essays. 
I did however get to go to a party with my college friends on Monday which was amazing. 
Yes, people got a bit drunk but it wasn't out of hand like I know some people can get - it was a more relaxed and happy atmosphere which was great. 
My friend Milly had it round her house and we stayed in her living room pretty much the whole night. She brought in a few mattresses and we put them on the floor so there was loads of space to just lounge about which was awesome! We watched Frozen which was AMAZING. I loved it so so much and I can't wait until I can get it on DVD so I can watch it lots. We also watched Tangled while eating Dominoes and pots of Ben and Jerry's ice cream (me and Chris shared a pot of Cookie Dough pretty much between us...perfect? I think so.) while a couple of people sang loudly and drunkenly along to the songs.
In the end, 6 of us stayed the night with a couple of people on the sofas and 4 of us sharing the two mattresses pushed together which was quite entertaining!
I've only been to one other party with college people and even then I only knew the host so this was really great - I got to spend time with my closest college friends and just have a laugh! Definitely one of my favourite parties so far - Disney, ice cream and laughs is always a good combination. 
Jess xx


  1. Sounds like you had a perfect time! If only house parties I've been to were like that - ice cream and films, yes please! xx

    1. It was amazing! I never have house parties like this so it was a really nice change! People should do it like that more often! xx

  2. sounds like a lovely night, i love frozen i saw it at the cinema and can't wait for it to come out on DVD too!

    1. It was so good! It was incredible - I loved everything about it! x

  3. aww it sounds perfect!! !! i'm glad you had such a nice time!!

  4. sounds like a perfect night :) Frozen + Tangled- too too cute. I can't wait for Frozen to come out so I can buy it for my ''niece'' ;P
    L xo

    1. It really was! :) I know, it's going to be the only thing I watch when I'm at Uni! xx
