Saturday, 4 January 2014

Bad day.

(I need somewhere to rant so don't bother reading this if you don't want to.)
You know where you get those days where everything seems to go wrong and you just want to curl up in a ball and hide away from the world? I've been having one of those days. Big time.
This holiday, I wasn't set much homework aside from reading, but what I did get was quite large and takes quite a bit of time up. 
I was given a project to complete with a friend in Classics and we split the work up between the two of us as it was easier to complete most of the work individually but had planned to come together once we couldn't do any more without talking about it. 
To start the day off, I ended up oversleeping again as I've not been sleeping very well the last few nights anyway so it's starting to catch up on me. This meant that I was already behind by a few hours and didn't get to work until about 11.30/12. I had almost finished my part of the document when I accidentally managed to reload the page (on a Mac, this can be done really easily by swiping left to right) when looking at a picture I was using. As it's an online document with no automatic saving features, I lost everything I'd done over the last four hours. I had one last page of my booklet to complete (I had done 10 others today) so I've been pretty upset for the last hour or so. 
I know it doesn't seem like much and I can just re do it but it really annoys me how I got so close to finishing and I ruined it in a second. It also really upsets me because I feel like I've let my friend down as we were going to meet up today once it was all finished so I've ruined the chance of us being able to meet up and get the very last part done.
I really needed to do something to clear my mind a bit so I decided to write a little post on here as writing always makes me calmer and happier. 
Jess xx


  1. I just want to hug you right now *hugs you tight*. Don't worry about it, such things happen all the time and I'm pretty sure that if you explain this to your friend, they'll understand. Nobody's perfect, don't forget this. We'll always and forever make mistakes, but you must look for the bright side. I hope you'll feel better soon. Much love x

    1. Thank you lovely :) I've told her and she's okay with it, we'll just need to try and fit it in some other time I guess. I'm feeling a little better after reading a few blogs and just getting back to it so hopefully I'll be okay soon! xx

    2. I'm so glad to hear that x

  2. That sucks jess, sorry that happened :/ Let me know if you need any help with it! x

    1. I've luckily finished it now, but thanks for the offer! I'll just explain to Kathleen why it's so crap if she says anything! I have lots of pictures so it should be okay! xx

    2. Quality over Quantity. As long as you make good points/analysis she won't mind. What she will want is something people can use :) xx

    3. I think it's okay, they aren't as good as some of my old points but I can't remember them so nothing can be done now anyway. xx

  3. I know I'm a little behind on this but keep your head up!! My A-Levels were literally the death of me but you just have to keep going! It really is worth it in the end. I get the frustration though, I'm trying to write my thesis and I keeping staring at the page like really?? Good luck with it all! Much love, Nash x x x

    1. Thank you lovely! Luckily my teacher liked the work that I had done so it all payed off in the end! I get that feeling so much with essays, I don't know how I finish some of them! Thank you :) xxx
