Thursday, 7 March 2013

Results day...

First of all, I'm sorry I haven't posted in almost a life has become exceedingly boring and so full of work and revision that I don't even have time to do a quick blog post! Sadly, the work load isn't going to be letting up any time soon so the blog posts are going to be a bit less frequent.
I started to make my Roman style pot for extended project on Tuesday and I'm happy that it's going pretty well! I have to finish it tomorrow so that will be fun! It's actually going pretty well so I'm happy at the moment with it.
I also got my grade report back and I'm predicted all Bs and an A in extended project, so crossed fingers I get that!
I got my Biology exam result back from January....I got a D. I'm really disappointed to be honest, I thought I'd actually done well but because I wasn't used to the way the questions worked, even if I knew everything, I still didn't get the marks for what I knew and it's rubbish. I probably lost so many marks for not saying a specific word, or writing something a specific way. I really hate exams for that.
My parents have sorted me out going to a 6 day revision course over Easter to hopefully improve my grade. I really want to get a lot better so I hope it goes well. I'm just so scared that by taking that much time out of my holiday for a subject I'm not taking next year, will I be risking messing up my other subjects that actually matter? It's so horrible to think that I can't re sit so whatever I get in summer is what I'm stuck with.
I hate exams. I wish they would test your knowledge rather than your ability to answer questions how the mark scheme wants it. It's complete crap in my opinion.
Jess xx


  1. Everyone I know who does biology got lower than they expected, honestly, people are making appeals to the exam board! But I agree with you about the style of exams, I hate it!

  2. It's really annoying because I need an A in my AS so I need to re sit now which I dot want to do! :/ yeah, exams are horrible because its a test of memory rather than what you know. I guess it could be said that it tests what you remember but it's rubbish all the same
