This year really has been the year for firsts. I've experienced so many new things that have impacted me and I've gained new experiences as well.
I can't explain how much I loved prom. It was everything I hoped for; dancing around in gorgeous clothes and having a good time with friends! It was nice to just have a thing with all of our year fully together again for the last time, and most of us looked really good! Obviously there had to be the girls that decided to go wotsit then wear a yellow dress...but that's just part of the fun, isn't it?!
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Some of my closest friends in secondary school, I love these guys :) That's me in the middle wearing the black dress :) |
As with most things, they begin and they end, same with friendships. I'm incredibly lucky this year to have made new friends, made stronger bonds with old ones and realised who my true friends are so I could move on and be happy.
Half the time I don't know where I'd be without my friends, they've been there for me whether I wanted advice or just a laugh, they know what I need to be happy though and I love them for it :) I love that I can have both a good laugh and a decent chat with them too, it's nice! If any of you are reading this (I know some of you do :P) then thank you for being here for me, I really appreciate it.
GCSEs, Results and College
I did my GCSE exams and got good results back, thankfully! Then I made the hardest decision of my life; I moved to a completely new college of over 2000 students where I knew a single person that is in the year above. I moved away from my friends, my old school, and basically everything I was familiar with. It was a big step for me and I was so scared, but I can confidently say, that even though I had to leave my friends behind, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm so happy and the courses that I'm doing are also fantastic, I love learning because all of the teachers are great and I think I'm actually doing pretty well! I'm also happy because it was a good decision that gives me another step towards University life. Plus I get to do subjects I enjoy and love instead of doing subjects I don't and being miserable like I would have been if I had stayed at my old school.
And obviously being the huge nerd I am, I also discovered Sherlock this year, which is fantastic and bad at the same time! I also went to Harry Potter Warner Brother's Studio tour which was just fantastic! I can't wait to go again in February!
My blog
I started my blog this year and I am so genuinely happy that I did; it's so much fun and it's really nice seeing that people actually want to read about the random stuff that I go on about!
I basically just want to say thank you to everyone who has been a part of my life in 2012, old or new, you're all great! And I also want to say thank you to my followers and readers, I wouldn't do this without you so thank you!
I hope you all have a fantastic new year!
Jess xxx
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