I've just come home from my first exam of the year which went quite well so I decided to do a quick blog post!
- I hit 200 bloglovin' followers the other day which I'm so happy about, such a nice thing to have happen - I love that people are still reading my blog!
- I've been quite ill for the last three days, pyjamas and flat lemonade have been my best friends.
- The only thought that has been getting me through revision is my plan to go to London the day after my exams finish...hurry up 18th June!
- I bought a ticket to my secondary school's year 13 prom that I get to go to with my old friends and I'm so excited! My dress is so pretty and in the post! I should be getting it in the next couple of weeks so look out for that!
- I will be posting all of my 2014 Blogger Challenge posts that I've missed after exams, I'm going to try and make them extra special instead of rushing them and not really doing anything for them!
- I haven't painted my nails for ages and it feels so weird. I just don't have the time to paint them at the moment sadly!
Hope you guys enjoyed this little post, I hope to do a couple more as the month goes by - only 1 month and 2 days left until my exams are finished!
Jess xx