Friday, 21 June 2013

Sunshine Blogger Award

So my friend Kate has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger award which has made me so happy today! Apparently people are nominated for their blog if someone thinks that it "positively and creatively inspires others in the blogosphere" (had to nick that from you, Kate, I haven't seen anything else about this award apart from this!). I feel really happy and proud that she thinks that my blog is good enough to qualify for that!!
Another part of the award is that the nominator sets the nominee 10 questions, so here are mine!

  1. What was the best day of your life? The first day I think of when people ask that is Prom. It was so amazing and it was spent with some of my favourite people in the world! 
  2. Your favourite thing about your bedroom? I love my room but I can't choose anything that I like the best! Probably my bed's a good bed. 
  3. Your proudest achievement to date? I'm not sure if I have a proudest moment! I would probably say when I got my GCSE results back because I had proof that all of my hard work had payed off! 
  4. Favourite TV show? I love a lot of TV shows, including Sherlock, Merlin, Bones, House and Doctor Who, but my ultimate favourite is NCIS. It's so funny and has amazing, constant story lines, plus it's had 10 seasons now which is awesome, season 11 will begin filming in September so I'm super excited! 
  5. Something you're addicted to? (or practically addicted to!) American sweets, internet window shopping, Starbucks and sleep are probably the biggest ones! 
  6. Who's your celebrity crush? I don't really have a celebrity crush...I have people I think are awesome (Hugh Laurie, Robert Downy Jr, Matt Smith...hello? All awesome and funny!) but no one I have a crush on!
  7. Where do you hope to be in 10 years time? As my friends like to say; "digging a hole in the ground somewhere!"... Yeah... Something to do with archaeology hopefully so if that's fieldwork or museums, I don't mind as long as I'm enjoying it!
  8. Your favourite ever smell? Oooh.....I really like the smell of coffee shops, bakeries, orange, scented candles (most Yankee candles smell sooo nice...I spend so long in their shop smelling each candle until I feel like I have to leave due to the cashier giving me evils...) and my favourite perfume ever, L'elixir by Nina Ricci. It even comes in an Apple shaped bottle! 
  9. Something you own more than twenty of? Scarves. Or shoes. I have so many, I swear I have a problem....
  10. If you had to pick one song to start the 'soundtrack to your life', what would it be? Oh gosh, that's such a hard question! Umm.....I don't know! Definitely something by Ingrid Michaelson, Regina Spektor, Gabrielle Aplin, Hudson Taylor, Orla Gartland or Lauren Aquilina... Maybe King by Lauren Aquilina, it's such a nice song!
Hope you guys enjoyed this! I have no one to actually tag or nominate which is slightly rubbish! 
Go and check out Kate's blog because she is awesome and is so lovely. If I had to nominate someone, I'd nominate her again but I wouldn't want her to have to do even more questions so yeah! 
Jess xx

The Bumblebee

"Aerodynamically a bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway" - Mary Kay Ash

Sunday, 16 June 2013

General crap

Ever since exams, I've been failing at blogging so much! I really need to get back into it again!
This last week has been pretty good! I saw The Great Gatsby last Thursday and even though I didn't like the book much, the film ended up being really good! It was really weird seeing Spiderman not swinging about the buildings of New York but working there instead!
I went to Exeter Uni open day on Tuesday which was really nice. I've fallen in love with it; it's the same feeling I got when looking around the college I'm at so I know it'll be good, plus the course is completely perfect and it all seems so friendly! The accommodation is lovely and the rooms are pretty big compared to what I thought they would be! Exeter itself is so pretty and green and very hilly which will keep me fit! The shops are pretty good and have everything I could want or need, including a Waterstones and Starbucks (I'm not going to get through my exams without it!) so I'm sorted! It also has the usual shops for clothes and food so I'll be fine! The brass band they had playing at the open day day also made it even more awesome because they played so many film theme tunes including How to Train your Dragon, Shrek and Pirates of the Caribbean! Definitely sealed Exeter as one of my favourite choices! I have a few more Unis to look at over the next two weeks so that will be fun! I can't wait to see what the others are like!
I went to Bristol museum yesterday too to learn about the Pharaohs of Egypt and it was amazing! I learnt so much and I also got to look around the museum, including the stores in the basement which were incredible! It's so amazing being able to see things that not everyone who visits the museum will see! It's a shame because it was all incredible and really interesting!
After the museum, I spotted a Forbidden Planet which is such a cool shop full of nerdy things - it was the best thing ever! It had loads of nerdy shirts from tv, films and games which was awesome, and there were figures and things like bags, key rings, mugs and loads of other awesome things! Shame I couldn't afford any of it though!
I'll hopefully do some more updates later on as more things happen so talk later!
Jess xx

Thursday, 6 June 2013

EXAMS ARE FINISHED!...for this year!

It's all over until next year! I'm so happy that I get to just stay calm and relax now, I'm not going to be stressing out and panicking every other day! (This weekend was NOT fun having to revise biology...but more of that below!) I'm feeling guilty for not revising and working so I'm doing the second best thing; writing this post that is well overdue!
I can't believe that my first year of A levels (and college) is over! It feels like I just started yesterday! It's actually been a good year and I'm really happy that I moved because my lessons and teachers have been great! I've already started some of my subjects' A2 courses and it's so interesting but there are so many books that I need just over the courses, let alone the books I've been told to get as extra reading! I have 8 books to get, and that's not even for the whole of next year! I'm so excited, but also sad that I won't get time over the Summer to read any books just for fun as I have to read the Iliad and Herodotus - The Histories (I'm going to imagine it's called Hogwarts - A History from now will make it oh so entertaining) before September!
All of my exams were over before half term apart from biology so after my weekend free where I spend time with my friend (I haven't seen him for about a year and a half so that was really nice!), I ended up with 5 days of solid revision. Up until then, the revision, although it had been hard, was nothing compared to this! With the added problem of not really knowing much of the syllabus because it's all pretty confusing and detailed, I started to panic which meant that I couldn't concentrate at all, just adding fuel to an already growing fire. NOT a good thing to happen 2 days before the hardest and last exam of this year. But it ended up being okay and I got through the exam without thinking I failed too badly so hopefully it all pays off!
I've been spending a lot of my time looking at Universities in the lead up to all the open days that are coming this month and I'm getting so excited! I'm going to Exeter next Tuesday which is going to be awesome, it's such a pretty place and the course looks amazing! With the archaeology side of my degree, I might have the opportunity to go on a placement in South Dakota, excavating a Plains Indian village! It makes me so excited because I learnt about them at GCSE and I find it all so fascinating to see how America developed so it will be so amazing if I actually get to go! It's actually one of the main reasons why Exeter is my first choice now! (It was a toss up between Exeter and UCL but Exeter wins out from prettiness and awesome opportunities!) It'll be fun having a look around the place with mum and finding out more about the uni, there is only so much a prospectus and website can tell you, actually going there is a whole other story because then you can see how the words and pictures on the page fit together to make this place that so many people seem to fall in love with and want to spend 3 very important years studying at! It's quite a scary thought that in a year my A2 exams will just be starting and I will be heading off to one of these places; be it Exeter or somewhere else. Either way it's going to be a lot of fun and so much more different to what I'm used to which will be great!
Jess xx